standard and meticulous
It's fundamental to our longevity
田记手工(全称:田记手工银锻造技艺坊),由田灼生大师领衔的数十位银匠,多年来一直秉承着“深掘湘西文化、传承民族工艺”的宗旨,在研发、设计、制作的银器时,特别注重银器形、神、意兼具。 每件作品均通过大师们的上万次精心敲击、再加上錾刻、拉丝、镶嵌等传承工艺制作而成,独具匠心,有着自身雅致的韵味和吉祥的寓意。
Every work is carefully tapped by masters thousands of times, plus carving and drawing.
The boss supervises every project in person.
When developing, designing and making silverware, special attention should be paid to the shape, spirit and meaning of silverware.